NO. | Authors | Title | Download |
1 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo, S. Mangialardi | "DROPv2: Energy-Efficiency through Network Function Virtualization" IEEE Network, Special Issue-Open Source for Networking: Development and Experimentation, To appear in march 2014, 2014
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2 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, P. Donadio, L. Fialho, M. Collier, A. Lombardo, D. Reforgiato, V. Riccobene, T. Szemethy | "A northbound interface for power management in next generation network devices" IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, no. 1, IEEE, 149-157, 2014
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3 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli, P. Lago | "A closed-form model for the IEEE 802.3az network and power performance" IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 32, no. 1, IEEE, 16-27, 2014
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4 | Alan Kennedy, Xiaojun Wang | "Ultrahigh Throughput Low-Power Packet Classification" IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, VOL. 22, NO. 2, IEEE, 286 – 299, 2014, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS, VOL. 22, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2014
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5 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli | "Green Networking with Packet Processing Engines: Modeling and Optimization" IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 22, no. 1, IEEE/ACM, pp. 110-123, Feb. 2014
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6 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, M. Chiappero, L. D'Agostino, P. Lago, C. Lombardo, S. Mangialardi, F. Podda | "EE-DROP: An Energy-Aware Router Prototype" 24th Tyrrhenian Internat. Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC 2013), IEEE, Sept. 2013, Genoa, Italy
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7 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, O. M. Jaramillo Ortiz, R. Rapuzzi | "Enabling the TCP Segmentation Offload to Save Energy" 24th Tyrrhenian Internat. Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC 2013), IEEE, Sept. 2013, Genoa, Italy
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8 | R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan, M. Repetto | "Network connectivity proxy: An optimal strategy for reducing energy waste in network edge devices" 24th Tyrrhenian Internat. Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC 2013), IEEE, Sept. 2013, Genoa, Italy
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9 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, P. Lago | "Optimizing the Power Delay Product in Energy-Aware Packet Forwarding Engines" 24th Tyrrhenian Internat. Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC 2013), IEEE, Sept. 2013, Genoa, Italy
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10 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, O. M. Jaramillo Ortiz, P. Lago | "The Energy Consumption of TCP" 4th ACM/IEEE Internat. Conf. on Future Energy Systems (e-Energy 2013), IEEE/ACM, 203-212, May 2013, Berkeley, CA, USA
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11 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Cucchietti | "Setting the course for a green Internet" Science, vol. 342, no. 6164, AAAS, 1316, 13 Dec. 2013, New York, NY (Letter to the Editor -
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12 | V Riccobene, D Reforgiato | "FREE: Fast Reroute for Energy Efficiency" IEEE Infocom 2013, Turin, Poster (Student Session), April 14, 2013
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13 | E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, A. Sikora, P. Arabas, M.Kamola, K. Malinowski, P. Jaskóła, M. Marks | "Network-wide power management in computer networks" 22nd International Teletraffic Congress Specialist Seminar on Energy Efficient and Green Networking, 2013, Christchurch, NZ (Best Paper Award)
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14 | M. Karpowicz, P. Arabas, M. Kamola, E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz. | "ECONET: energooszczędne sieci IP" Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne, 8-9, 964-970, 2013, Gdansk, Poland
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15 | Michal Karpowicz | "On the design of energy-efficient service rate control mechanisms: CPU frequency control for Linux" Proceedings of the 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications: Green ICT, IEEE, 1-6, 2013, Genua, Italy
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16 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, P. Donadio, L. Fialho, M. Collier, A. Lombardo, D. Reforgiato, V. Riccobene, T Szemethy | "Exposing energy-aware capabilities in next generation network devices" Proc. IEEE ICC 2013 Workshop Telecom R2S - Second IEEE Workshop on Telecommunication Standards: From Research to Standards, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE, pp. 1286-1290, June 2013
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17 | Alfio Lombardo, Vincenzo Riccobene, Giovanni Schembra | "An Analytical Tool to Design a Router Governor
Controlling Energy Consumption and Temperature" Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC) 2013, , Genoa, September 23th-25th , 2013
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18 | R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan and M. Repetto | "Design of Home Energy Gateway Boosting the Development of Smart Grid Applications at Home" 4th International Conference on Energy Aware Computing Systems & Applications (ICEAC), IEEE, December 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
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19 | R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan and M. Repetto | "Smart Proxying: an Optimal Strategy for Improving Battery Life of Mobile Devices" 4th International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), IEEE, June 2013, Arlington USA
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20 | R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan and M. Repetto | "Design and Implementation of Cooperative Network Connectivity Proxy using Universal Plug and Play" 10th edition of Future Internet Assembly (FIA' 2013), Springer, May 2013, Dublin, Ireland
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21 | R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan and M. Repetto | "Cooperative Proxying: An Approach to Reduce Network Energy Waste (Poster Paper)" 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM' 13), IEEE, April 2013, Turin, Italy
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22 | Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, Andrzej Sikora, Marcin Mincer, Piotr Arabas | "Simulation Of Energy-Aware Backbone Networks" 27th EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation, May 27th - 30st, 2013, ECMS, 483-489, 2013, Aalesund
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23 | Tom Molloy, Xing Zheng, Olga Ormond, Feng Guo and Xiaojun Wang | "Power consumption in a zfilter publish/subscribe based forwarding node" 2013 IET International conference on Information and Communications Technologies, 27-29 April 2013, IET, 1-6, 2013, Beijing (Best paper award)
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24 | Yaron Hagai and Nir Strugo | "Power Saving Features in Mellanox Products" White Paper, 2/13/2013
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25 | Lorenzo Di Gregorio | "Fast Dynamic Reprovisioning for Green Networks with an Application to Multicasting" IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'13), IEEE, June 9-13, 2013, Budapest
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26 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo, F. Podda | "OpenFlow in the Small" 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2013), June 2013, Budapest, Hungary
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27 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, P. Lago | "The Hidden Cost of Network Low Power Idle" 2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2013), June 2013, Budapest, Hungary
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28 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi | "An Open-Source Platform for Distributed Linux Software Routers" Computer Communications, vol. 36, no. 4, Elsevier, pp. 396-410, Feb. 2013
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29 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, L. Di Gregorio, P. Donadio, L. Fialho, M. Collier, A. Lombardo, D. Reforgiato, T. Szemethy | "The Green Abstraction Layer: A Standard Power Management Interface for Next-Generation Network Device" IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 17, no. 2, IEEE, pp. 82-86, 2013
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30 | Lorenzo Di Gregorio | "Energy Budget Simulation for Deep Packet Inspection" IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC'13), IEEE, January 29, 2013, San Diego
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31 | R. Khan, R. Bolla and M. Repetto | "Design of UPnP based Cooperative Network Connectivity Proxy" 2nd IFIP Conference on Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), IEEE, October 2012, Pisa, Italy
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32 | E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, A. Sikora, P. Arabas, J. Kołodziej | "Control system for reducing energy consumption in backbone computer network
" Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper., Wiley, 2012 (DOI: 10.1002/cpe.2964)
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33 | J. Huang, O.Ormond, D. Ma, X. Wang | "Optimizing energy-efficiency for program partitioning and mapping onto multi-core packet processing systems" Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, Vol.19 suppl. 1, Elsevier, 79-86, Jun 2012
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34 | F.Guo, O. Ormond, L. Fialho, M. Collier, X. Wang | "Power consumption ayalysis of a NetFPGA based router" Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications, Vol.19 suppl. 1, Elsevier, 94-99, Jun 2012
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35 | W. Fu, T. Song, S. Wang, X. Wang | "Dynamic Frequency Scaling Architecture for Energy Efficient Router" Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS'12), 1, ACM/IEEE , 139-140, 29-30 Oct 2012, USA (Poster Abstract)
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36 | C. Hu, B. Liu, M. Zhang, B. Zhang, X. Wang | "Architectural Design of An Energy-efficient Router" in F. R. Yu, X. Zhang, V. C. M. Leung (Eds), "Green Communications and Networking", ISBN: 978-1-4398-9913-7, CRC, 1-31, 2012
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37 | F. Guo, O. Ormond, M. Collier, X. Wang | "Power Measurement of NetFPGA Based Router" 2012 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (GreenCom), IEEE, 116-119, 26-28 Sept 2012
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38 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, L. Di Gregorio, L. Giacomello, C. Lombardo, G. Parladori, N. Strugo, A. Zafeiropoulos | "The low Energy COnsumption NETworks
(ECONET) Project" The Second IFIP Conference on
Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT 2012), October 2012
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39 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, P. Lago | " Trading off Energy and Forwarding Performance in Next-Generation Network Devices" in J. Wu, S. Rangan, and H. Zhang (Eds), "Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms and Applications", Chapter 24, CRC Press, Nov. 2012
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40 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo | " Standard Methodologies for Energy Efficiency Assessment" in J. Wu, S. Rangan, and H. Zhang (Eds), "Green Communications: Theoretical Fundamentals, Algorithms and Applications", Chapter 4, CRC Press, Nov. 2012
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41 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, P. Donadio, G. Parladori | "Energy Efficiency in Optical Networks" 15th IFIP/IEEE Internat. Telecom. Network Strategy and Planning Symp. (NETWORKS 2012), IEEE, Oct. 2012, Rome, Italy (invited)
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42 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli | "Designing Optimal Energy Profiles for Network Hardware" Proc. IEEE Globecom 2012, IEEE, Dec. 2012, Anaheim, CA, USA
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43 | E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, A. Sikora, P. Arabas, J. Kołodziej | "Contorl framework for high performance energy aware backbone network" Proceedings of 26th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation, May 29th - June 1st, 2012, ECMS, 2012, Koblenz, Germany
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44 | A. P. Bianzino, L. Chiaraviglio, M. Mellia, J.-L. Rougier | "GRiDA: Green Distributed Algorithm for Energy-Efficient IP Backbone Networks" Computer Networks, Volume 56, Issue 14, Elsevier, 3219–3232, Sept. 2012
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45 | P. Arabas, K. Malinowski, A. Sikora | "On formulation of a network energy saving optimization problem" Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Communications and Electronics ICCE2012, August 1st – 3rd, 2012, IEEE, pp. 227-232, 2012, Hue, Vietnam
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46 | D. Reforgiato, A. Lombardo, F. Davoli, L. Fialho, M. Collier, P. Donadio, R. Bolla, R. Bruschi | "Exporting Data-Plane Energy-Aware Capabilities from Network Devices toward the Control Plane: The Green Abstraction Layer" 17th European Conf. on Network and Optical Communications (NOC 2012), IEEE, June 2012, Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain (Invited Paper)
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47 | Alfio Lombardo, Carla Panarello, Diego Reforgiato, Giovanni Schembra | "Power control and management in the NetFPGA Gigabit Router" Future Network & Mobile Summit, Berlin, Germany, July 2012
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48 | Alfio Lombardo, Diego Reforgiato, Vincenzo Riccobene, Giovanni Schembra | "NetFPGA Hardware Modules for Input, Output and EWMA Bit-Rate Computation" International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, June 2012
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49 | A. Carrega, S. Singh, R. Bolla, R. Bruschi | "Applying Traffic Merging to Datacenter Networks" Proc. of e-Energy 2012, ACM, May 2012, Madrid, Spain
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50 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli | "A Steady-State Model for Energy-Efficient Packet Processing Engines Under Mixed Traffic" The 4th Internat. Conf. on Communications and Electronics (ICCE'12) , IEEE, pp. 251-256, Aug. 2012, Hue, Vietnam
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51 | A. Cianfrani, V. Eramo, M. Listanti, M. Polverini | "Introducing Routing Standby in Network Nodes to Improve Energy Savings techniques" e-Energy 2012, ACM, 9-11 May 2012
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52 | R. Khan, R. Bolla, M. Repetto, R. Bruschi and M. Giribaldi | "Smart Proxying for Reducing Network Energy Consumption" Internat. Symp. Perf. Eval. of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), IEEE, July 2012, Genoa, Italy
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53 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo | "Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling in Parallel Network Processors" 13th IEEE Conf. on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2012), IEEE, June 2012, Belgrade, Serbia
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54 | A. Carrega, S. Singh, R. Bruschi, R. Bolla | "Traffic Merging for Energy-Efficient Datacenter Networks" Internat. Symp. Perf. Eval. of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), IEEE, July 2012, Genoa, Italy
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55 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli, D. Suino, C. Vassilakis, A. Zafeiropoulos | "Cutting the energy bills of Internet Service Providers and telecoms through power management:
An impact analysis" Computer Networks, vol. 56, no. 10, Elsevier, pp. 2320–2342, July 2012
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56 | A. P. Bianzino, L. Chiaraviglio, M. Mellia | "Distributed Algorithms for Green IP Networks" IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Communications and Control for Sustainable Energy Systems: Green Networking and Smart Grids, IEEE, March 2012, Orlando
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57 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo, D. Suino | "Evaluating the Energy-Awareness of Future Internet Devices" IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, IEEE, pp.36-43, July 2011, Cartagena, Spain
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58 | Alfio Lombardo, Carla Panarello, Diego Reforgiato, Enrico Santagati and Giovanni Schembra | "A flexible router for on-fly dynamic packet management in NetFPGA platform" GTTI 2011, June 2011
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59 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi | "Energy-Aware Load Balancing for Parallel Packet Processing Engines" 1st IEEE Conference on Green Communications (GreenCom 2011), IEEE, Sept. 2011, online
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60 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, C. Lombardo | "State of the Art of Existing Standards for the Evaluation of Network Performance and Energy Consumption" 2011 International Symp. on Perf. Eval. of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS), IEEE, July 2011, The Hague, the Netherlands
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61 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, M. Listanti, O. Jaramillo | "Energy-Efficient Sleeping Modes for Next-Generation Core Networks" Proc. of the future Network & Mobile Summit 2011, IEEE, pp. 111-118, June 2011, Warsaw, Poland
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62 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli | "Green Network Technologies and the art of Trading-off" Proc. of IEEE IFOCOM 2011 Green Communications and Networking Workshop, IEEE, pp. 331-306, April 2011, Shanghai,China
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63 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Cianfrani, M. Listanti | "Enabling Backbone Networks to Sleep" IEEE Network Magazine, Special Issue on “Energy-Efficient Networks", vol. 25, no. 2, IEEE, pp. 26-31, March-April 2011
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64 | A. P. Bianzino, L. Chiaraviglio, M. Mellia | "GRiDA: a Green Distributed Algorithm for Backbone Networks" IEEE Greencom 2011, IEEE, 113-119, September 2011
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65 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, F. Davoli, F. Cucchietti | "Energy Efficiency in the Future Internet: A Survey of Existing Approaches and Trends in Energy-Aware Fixed Network Infrastructures" IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 13, No. 2, IEEE, pp. 223-244, May 2011
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66 | R. Bolla, F. Davoli, R. Bruschi, K. Christensen, F. Cucchietti, S. Singh | "The Potential Impact of Green Technologies in Next-Generation Wireline Networks: Is There Room for Energy Saving Optimization?" IEEE Communications Magazine, Feature topic on Energy Efficiency in Communications, vol. 49, no. 8, IEEE, pp. 80-86, Aug. 2011
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67 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli | "Theoretical and technological limitations of power scaling in network devices" Proc. of the Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conf. 2010, IEEE, pp. 37-42, Nov. 2010, Auckland, New Zealand
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68 | R. Bolla, R. Bruschi, A. Carrega, F. Davoli | "An Analytical Model for Designing and Controlling New-Generation Green Devices" Proc. of the 3rd Int. Workshop on Green Communications (GreenCom10), co-located with IEEE Globecom 2010, IEEE, Dec. 2010, Miami, FL, USA (Winner of the Best Paper Award)
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69 | S. Khan, J. Saastamoinen, J. Huusko, J. Korpi, J. Nurmi | "Estimating Energy Efficiency of Data-Link Layer in System Level Performance Evaluation" The Fifth International Conference on Advances in
System Simulation (SIMUL 2013), Venice, Italy, October 2013
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70 | P. Charalampou, A. Zafeiropoulos, C. Vassilakis, C. Tziouvaras, V. Giannikopoulou, N. Laoutaris | "Empirical evaluation of energy saving margins in backbone networks " 19th IEEE LANMAN Workshop
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71 | Michal Karpowicz | "Projekt ECONET: energooszczędne sterowanie pracą CPU w jądrze systemu Linux (in Polish)" Biuletyn NASK, 1/2013, NASK
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72 | Vincenzo Riccobene, Alfio Lombardo, Diego Reforgiato, Giovanni Schembra | "Modeling Temperature and Dissipation Behavior of
an Open Multi-Frequency Green Router" GTTI 2012
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73 | Michał Karpowicz | "Energy-efficient service rate control mechanisms for energy-aware
processors: a design framework for the Linux kernel" (Working paper)
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74 | Alfio Lombardo, Diego Reforgiato, Vincenzo Riccobene, Giovanni Schembra | "Modeling Temperature and Dissipation Behavior of an Open Multi-Frequency Green Router" GreenCom 2012
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75 | Xing Zheng, Xiaojun Wang | "Comparative Study of Power Consumption of a NetFPGA-Based Forwarding Node in Publish-Subscribe Internet Routing" Computer Communications, Available online 28 February 2014, Elsevier, 2014 (
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