D1.1 - Project coordination and collaboration tools
D2.1 - End-user requirements, technology specifications and benchmarking methodologiesD2.2 - Test plant evaluation criteria and representative test case
D3.1 - First design of green technology for network device data plane
D3.3 - Final Design of Green Technology for Network Device Data Plane
D3.3 - Annex I
D3.3 - Internal Report 1
D3.3 - Internal Report 2
D3.3 - Internal Report 3
D3.3 - Internal Report 4
D3.3 - Internal Report 5
D3.3 - Internal Report 6
D3.3 - Internal Report 7
D3.3 - Internal Report 8
D3.4 - Final Prototypes with Energy Aware Capabilities
D3.5 - Design of Energy Measurement Technologies
D4.1 - Definition of energy-aware states
D4.2 - Definition of Internal Standard Interfaces
D4.3 - Abstraction Layer Final DefinitionD4.4 - Abstract Layer Prototypic Implementation
D5.1 - Preliminary Definition of Green Strategies at the Control Plane
D5.2 - Software Implementation of the Optimization Procedures
D5.3 - Green Strategies at the Control Plane
D5.3 - Annex I
D5.3 - Annex II
D5.4 - Software Implementation of the Distributed Monitoring and Optimization Procedure
D5.5 - Protocol ExtensionsD6.2 - Final Integration of Device Prototypes with Energy Aware Capabilities and Local Optimization
D6.3 - Validation and Benchmarking of Single DevicesD7.1 - ECONET communication strategy
D7.3 - First ECONET Information Dissemination PlanD7.4 - ECONET outline exploitation plan
D7.5 - Second ECONET Information Dissemination PlanD7.8 - ECONET Exploitation Plan