NO. | Dissemination activity and contribution | Date | Location | Download |
1 | Conference Indo-European Dialogue on ICT standards and emerging technologies Invited presentation Energy efficiency management and environmental impact assessment for ICTs Speaker(s): Beniamino Gorini (ETSI TC-EE chairman) |
13/03/2014 - 14/03/2014 |
New Delhi, India | No file |
2 | Workshop ETSI Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment and Energy Efficiency Local Organizer (A. Zafeiropoulos), supporters and program committee members Speaker(s): Raffaele Bolla, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos |
07/10/2013 | Athens (GR) | No file |
3 | Presentation ETSI Workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment and Energy Efficiency Selected speech ETSI/EE-0030 - Green Abstraction Layer (GAL) Speaker(s): Raffaele Bolla |
08/10/2013 | Athens( GR) | Download |
4 | Presentation 22nd ITC Specialists Seminar on Energy Efficient and Green Networking (SSEEGN 2013), in conjunction with the Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2013) - Panel discussion - "Enablers and Roadblocks for Green Networking" - Convenor: Prof. Marco Ajmone Marsan (Politecnico di Torino, Italy) - Panelists: Prof. Franco Davoli (University of Genova); Dr. Kerry Hinton (University of Melbourne);
Dr. Andrew Riddell (Allied Telesis, New Zealand); Mickey Vucic (Alcatel-Lucent, Australia) Speaker(s): Franco Davoli |
21/11/2013 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Download |
5 | Presentation 22nd ITC Specialists Seminar on Energy Efficient and Green Networking (SSEEGN 2013), in conjunction with the Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2013) - Invited Keynote Speech - Green Networking and Network Programmability: a Paradigm for the Future Internet? Speaker(s): Franco Davoli |
20/11/2013 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Download |
6 | Workshop 24th Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (TIWDC 2013) - Green ICT ( - Scientific and logistic organisation of the Workshop Workshop leadership and organisation of an ECONET session Speaker(s): General Co-Chairs: Franco Davoli (University of Genoa, Italy), Phuoc Tran-Gia (University of Wuerzburg, Germany) - Program Co-Chairs: Raffaele Bolla (University of Genoa, Italy), Trinh Anh Tuan (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) |
23/09/2013 - 25/09/2013 |
Genoa, Italy | No file |
7 | Conference Telecoms Energy Efficiency Forum ( Presentation International Activities Towards Energy Efficiency Speaker(s): Gianluca Griffa |
08/04/2013 - 09/04/2013 |
Prague, Czech Republic | No file |
8 | Conference Future networks and Mobile Summit (FUNEMS 2013) Demonstration live demostration of the Network Connectivity Proxy (NCP) prototype Speaker(s): M. Giribaldi |
03/07/2013 - 05/07/2013 |
Lisbon, Portugal | No file |
9 | Other Home Gateway Initiative (HGI - General Meeting Demostration live demostration of the NCP prototype Speaker(s): R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan and M. Repetto |
18/03/2013 - 22/03/2013 |
Turin, Italy | No file |
10 | Conference IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications (IEEE Online GreenComm'13) Demonstration Smart Proxying: Reducing Energy Waste in Network Devices During Idle Periods Speaker(s): R. Bolla, M. Giribaldi, R. Khan and M. Repetto |
29/10/2013 - 31/10/2013 |
Online | No file |
11 | Exhibition SECURE 2013 Conference Poster Energy-aware multi-level control system for a network of Linux software routers Speaker(s): Michal Karpowicz, Piotr Arabas |
09/10/2013 - 10/10/2013 |
Warsaw | Download |
12 | Presentation International Teletraffic Congress 2013 (ITC 25) Panel Discussion at ITC 25 - Organizers: Raffaele Bolla, Franco Davoli Energy efficiency, network performance and users' Quality of Experience in a scalable Future Internet - Speaker(s): Moderator: Franco Davoli |
12/09/2013 | Shanghai, China | No file |
13 | Presentation KSTiT 2013 Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki Presentation An energy-aware multi-level control system for a network of Linux software routers Speaker(s): Michał Karpowicz, Piotr Arabas, Mariusz Kamola, Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz |
04/09/2013 - 07/09/2013 |
Gdansk, Poland | Download |
14 | Presentation Future Internet & Mobile Summit Presentation in Workshop 10a: "Future wired and Wireless Networks: Green, Heterogeneous and Cloud-Powered" Energy Efficiency in Next-Generation Datacenter Networks Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
04/07/2013 | Lisbon, Portugal | No public download |
15 | Presentation Seminar at ISTI-CNR -
Invited Talk Energy Efficient Networking Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
28/06/2013 | Pisa, Italy | No file |
16 | Presentation Industry & Business Panel P9 - "Collaborative Programs in Green Communications: Successful Cases and Key Remaining Research Challenges" at IEEE International Conference on Communications 2013 (ICC 2013) Invited Panel Presentation Energy Efficient Networking: The ECONET Project (low Energy COnsumption NETworks) - Speaker(s): Franco Davoli |
12/06/2013 | Budapest, Hungary | Download |
17 | Publication Energy Consumption and
Power Saving potentiality in ICT: the experience in Telecom Italia
Seminar Speaker(s): Diego Suino (Local organizer: Alfio Lombardo) |
10/05/2013 | University of Catania | No public download |
18 | Workshop NASK Seminar Presentation Energy-efficient CPU service rate control mechanisms for the Linux kernel (in Polish:
Energooszczędne mechanizmy sterowania szybkością CPU dla jądra systemu Linux) Speaker(s): Michal Karpowicz |
23/01/2013 | Warsaw, Poland | No public download |
19 | Conference On formulation of a network energy saving optimization problem Presentation The Fourth International Conference on Communications and Electronics ICCE2012 Speaker(s): P. Arabas, K. Malinowski, A. Sikora |
01/08/2012 - 03/08/2012 |
Hue, Vietnam | Download |
20 | Presentation The Second IFIP Conference on
Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT 2012) Panel presentation The low Energy COnsumption NETworks(ECONET) Project - Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
04/10/2012 - 05/10/2012 |
Pisa, Italy | Download |
21 | Other Lectures in the ICE ERASMUS MUNDUS PhD Program Lectures Green Networking Speaker(s): Prof. Raffaele Bolla |
16/07/2012 - 20/07/2012 |
University of Genoa, Italy | No file |
22 | Conference 1 st IEEE Online Green Communications Conference (GreenCom 2011) Invited Keynote Enabling Fixed Network Energy Efficiency Optimization Through Dynamic Adaptation-Research Challenges and European Project Efforts Speaker(s): Raffaele Bolla |
26/09/2012 - 29/09/2012 |
online | Download |
23 | Conference The 4th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2012) Organization of a Special Session on "Energy Efficient Networking" Session on "Energy Efficient Networking" - Speaker(s): Session Organizers: R. Bolla and F. Davoli; 2 ECONET paper presentations (F. Davoli, P. Arabas), session chairing |
02/08/2012 | Hue, Vietnam | No file |
24 | Conference The 4th International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE 2012) 4-hour Tutorial Green Networking: A Tutorial - Speaker(s): Franco Davoli |
02/08/2012 | Hue, Vietnam | Download |
25 | Presentation Round table discussion on "Metrics for End-to-End Energy Efficiency", within the Meeting of the COST Action IC0804 (Energy efficiency in large scale distributed systems) Invited presentation Connection-wise energy efficiency: measuring power consumption of TCP and of nodes along the path - Speaker(s): Franco Davoli |
08/05/2012 | Madrid, Spain | No file |
26 | Conference ITU Green Standards Week 2012 Poster exhibition ECONET presentation Speaker(s): Prof. Raffaele Bolla |
17/09/2012 - 21/09/2012 |
Paris, France | No file |
27 | Presentation Industry Forum of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'12), 2012 panel Future Home Gateway Services for Next Generation Home Networks Speaker(s): Lorenzo Di Gregorio |
12/06/2012 | Ottawa | No public download |
28 | Conference Eighth Euro-NF Conference on
Next Generation Internet
(NGI 2012) Invited Keynote Energy Efficiency in the Present and Future Internet: An Evolutionary Approach Speaker(s): Prof. Franco Davoli |
25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 |
Karlskrona, Sweden | Download |
29 | Workshop 1st ETSI workshop on Energy Efficiency Presentation Energy COnsumption NETworks (ECONET): Smart power management for fixed network devices Speaker(s): Massimo Enrico (Ericsson) |
22/06/2012 | Genoa, Italy | Download |
30 | Workshop 1st ETSI workshop on Energy Efficiency Workshop supported by ECONET (including technical committee participation, session chairing and final panel participation) EE Research Projects (session chaired) Speaker(s): Prof. Raffaele Bolla |
21/06/2012 - 22/06/2012 |
Genoa, Italy | No file |
31 | Presentation ETNO (European Telecommunications Network Operators) meeting Invited Speech Research activities at the TNT LAB: the project ECONET Speaker(s): Prof. Raffaele Bolla |
18/06/2012 | Genoa, Italy | No file |
32 | Conference Future Network and Mobile Summit 2012.
Session 8d: Scalable Architectures for the Real World Internet Panel Power Control and Management in the NetFPGA Gigabit Router Speaker(s): Diego Reforgiato |
05/07/2012 | Berlin, Germany | No public download |
33 | Conference Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 - Workshop on Fostering Programmability of Wireless Networks Invited talk ECONET - Network programmability for green networking Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
06/07/2012 | Berlin, Germany | No file |
34 | Conference Future Network & Mobile Summit 2012 - Workshop on Green Communications and Networks Invited talk A Smart Proxy Architecture for Power Consumption Reduction in the Home Environment Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
04/07/2012 | Berlin, Germany | No file |
35 | Conference 2012 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS) Tutorial Green Technologies for Smarter Next-Generation Wire-line Networks - Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
11/07/2012 | Genoa, Italy | No file |
36 | Workshop GTTI 2012 Panel Modeling Temperature and Dissipation Behavior of an Open Multi-Frequency Green Router Speaker(s): Giovanni Schembra |
25/06/2012 - 27/06/2012 |
Villasimius (CA) | No public download |
37 | Conference European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2012) Presentation Control Framework for High Performance Energy Aware Backbone
Network Speaker(s): Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz E., Sikora A., Arabas P., Kołodziej J |
29/05/2012 - 01/06/2012 |
Koblenz, Germany | Download |
38 | Other Lectures of the Course on "Architectures and Applications for TLC Networks" in the Telecommunications Engineering Curriculum at the University of Genoa Lectures Lectures on Green Networking Speaker(s): F. Davoli, R. Bruschi |
01/05/2012 - 31/12/2012 |
Genoa, Italy | No file |
39 | Presentation Seminar at the University of Catania Seminar Green Networking: the frontier of the Internet and telecommunications beyond the crisis Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
10/05/2012 | Catania, Italy | No public download |
40 | Conference The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012) Invited panel on "Green Communications and Computing" Energy-Efficiency in Next Generation Wire-line Networks Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
28/03/2012 | Orlando, FL, USA | No file |
41 | Presentation Seminar at the University of Maryland Seminar Green Networking Speaker(s): Diego Reforgiato |
01/12/2011 | Maryland, USA | No public download |
42 | Other Lectures Lectures of the Course COSC 473 at the University of Canterbury (18 hours) "Green Networking" Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
01/07/2011 - 01/08/2011 |
Christchurch, New Zealand | No public download |
43 | Presentation Green ICT in Italy:
Networks, Cloud and Power Grid Invited presentation Enabling fixed network
energy efficiency
optimization through dynamic
power management –
The ECONET approach - Speaker(s): R. Bolla, F. Davoli |
01/12/2011 | Milan, Italy | Download |
44 | Presentation IEEE NZ ComSoc Chapter invited talk Seminar Green future Internet and green energy: a profitable liaison Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
01/08/2011 | Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand | Download |
45 | Presentation Seminar at the University of Canterbury Seminar Green Networking Technologies for a Sustainable Future Internet Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
05/08/2011 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Download |
46 | Other The Rince Institute Research Day Presentation Presentation to DCU researchers of the ECONET project Speaker(s): M. Collier |
01/10/2011 | Dublin, Ireland | No file |
47 | Other Xilinx Research Day Presentation Poster and flyers of ECONET activities Speaker(s): M. Collier |
28/01/2011 | Dublin, Ireland | No file |
48 | Other Green Touch Meeting Presentation Online presentation of the ECONET project to the Core Optical Network and Transmission (CONT) Working Group of the Green Touch Consortium Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
14/11/2011 - 17/11/2011 |
Seattle, WA, USA | Download |
49 | Other STRONGEST Project Meeting Presentation Presentation of the ECONET Project Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
18/10/2011 | Pisa, Italy | No file |
50 | Workshop 4th Future Internet Cluster Workshop on ICT and Sustainability ECOnet: Low Energy Consumption Networks Speaker(s): R. Bolla |
16/05/2011 | Budapest, Hungary | No file |
51 | Presentation Seminar at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa Seminar Energy Efficiency in the Future Internet: Current Status and Trends Speaker(s): R. Bolla, R. Bruschi |
25/03/2011 | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy | No file |
52 | Other Green Networking and correlated activities Presentation ECONET cross presentations and possible cooperation within COST804 Speaker(s): R. Bolla, F. Davoli |
26/01/2011 - 27/01/2011 |
University of Wurzburg, Germany | No file |
53 | Conference 25 th IEEE Annual Computer Communications Workshop (CCW 2011) Invited Panel - Energy Efficient Networking: The Views of Leaders of International Research Projects Energy Efficient Networking:The ECONET Project (low Energy COnsumption NETworks) Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
10/10/2011 - 12/10/2011 |
Hyannis, Cape Cod. MA, Usa | Download |
54 | Conference 13th Italian National Conference of Photonic Technologies (FOTONICA 2011) ECONET's overview and goals Speaker(s): R. Bolla |
09/05/2011 - 11/05/2011 |
Genoa, Italy | No file |
55 | Conference 12th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2011) Tutorial Green Technologies for Smarter Next-Generation Wire-line Networks Speaker(s): R. Bruschi |
03/07/2011 | Cartagena, Spain | No file |
56 | Conference IEEE 19th Annual Symposium on Hot Interconnects invited speech Paving the road to Exascale Speaker(s): E. Zahavi |
25/08/2011 | Santa Clara, USA | No file |
57 | Workshop ITU Green Standard Week - Workshop on "Moving to a green Economy through ICT standards" Invited speech ECONET: low Energy COnsumption NETworks Speaker(s): R. Bolla |
05/09/2011 - 09/09/2011 |
Rome, Italy | No file |
58 | Workshop IEEE NZ Wireless Workshop Invited presentation Green Networking in Wired and Wireless Networks - Bridging the gap Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
26/08/2011 | Christchurch, New Zealand | Download |
59 | Conference 1st International Workshop on Sustainable Internet and Internet for Sustainability (SustaInet 2011), in conjunction with 12th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2011) Invited speech Green Networking Technologies for a Sustainable Future Internet Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
20/06/2011 | Lucca, Italy | Download |
60 | Conference IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference - Workshop on Cognitive radio and Cooperative Strategies for POWER saving (C2POWER) Invited panel Energy Efficiency in Future Telecommunications: Technical Issues, Standardization Activities and Business Requirements Speaker(s): R. Bolla |
15/05/2011 - 18/05/2011 |
Budapest, Hungary | No file |
61 | Presentation Seminar at NASK Seminar ECONET the 7-th FP project - project objectives Speaker(s): M. Kamola |
01/10/2010 | Warsaw, Poland | No file |
62 | Presentation Seminar at Warsaw University of Technology Seminar ECONET: low Energy Consumption NETworks - project presentation Speaker(s): E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz |
01/11/2010 | Warsaw, Poland | No file |
63 | Conference Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conf. (ATNAC 2010) Invited keynote Energy Efficiency in the future Internet: Current Status and Trends Speaker(s): F. Davoli |
03/11/2010 | Auckland, New Zealand | Download |